A "scrolly-telling" article breaking down student enrollment changes & causes for overenrollment at Middlebury College, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This project was my first bespoke data visualization in D3! Ft. Sabrina Templeton '22 & Prof. Andrews.
Interactive maps of estimated response times from fire stations around the state of Vermont, as well as fire hydrant locations. Ft. Halcyon Brown '21.5, Prof. Vaccari & the Middlebury Fire Department.
R-markdown report in which I 'reverse-engineer' Spotify's song "Popularity" metric. I optimize a random forest model to examine variable importance and understand what decisions Spotify's algorithm is making. The dataset used holds 2020-2021 Top 200 Charted songs. Ft. Prof. Lyford.
A small collaborative project I worked on for my Embedded Systems & IoT course, in which we replicate a few functionalities of an interactive screen that one might conveniently find on a refrigerator. A project report & status updates are included.